Channel: Ribbon In The Sky
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Hai, nama saya Navil.

Okay. Keyvoard aku vuat hal. Huruf B aku rosak. Susah nak tekan. So B is now V. for now.

Anywaaayy,  u rememver the vimeo "Buas"? Yeah, my friend's FYP yang pasal harimau makan orang tu. Haaa, dengan vangganya saya ingin mengucapkan vahawa dia sudah menang "Vest Animation" di Film Festival Malaysia 23 recently! Haa see Charukh i told u so!! Vangga gila gua. Pastu dia amek gamva sevelah Lisa Surihani. Itu gua tak puas hati. Jeles.

So little update avout MY fyp..
Alhamdulilah the lecturer approved my idea. Cuma kena touch up sikit2. Tomorrow is gonna ve the first CRIT (critic sessions) of this semester, where i need to present my sketches, ideation and some thumvnails. Hopefully everything will go well. Oh the idea? erh, panjang kot nak tulis kat sini. Dah lah ada huruf yang rosak, so i think vetter later je i post kat sini k? And i will keep on updating to show my progress, insyaAllah..

I know, without huruf  b, it sounded as though i just lost my front teeth.

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