Channel: Ribbon In The Sky
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Im a bad blogger

yes yes ok fiiiiiine. aku jahat. tak tepati janji. kata nak post gamba Beijing la Yunan la bagai. (ok sejak bila aku pakai perkataan 'bagai'? Bagai tu kira mcm etcetera la kira. ok moving on)

But seriously doh. Bukan salah aku tau aku nak procastinate2 bagai (ha bagai lagi). Internet lembab. yes, tau alasan cliche. Tapi bile internet lembab, smgt nak edit gamba jadi mcm kurang, sbb ia membuatkan aku fikir
"kalau aku edit skrg pun internet tengah lembab pastu kalau save low reso mcm tak nampak pula color curves yang aku dah buat berjam jam ahh mampus ahhh kroih kroihh"

So yeah. Aku tau memang bosan tgk text panjang2. Aku pun bosan gak baca blog orang banyak text. Mungkin bila dah sampai Unifi nanti aku upload la. ...kot.

Anywaaayyyy. It's my final year oredi in MMU. woaaaah. FYP yall. Final Year Project. Yakni, subject yang menggerunkan semua bebudak final year. D'uh. So means all the final year students will struggle to finish up their fyp from now, till 6 months later before the big presentation which is gonna be probbly middle of next year. As for my majoring pula, which is in Film and Animation, kami telah diperuntukkan (eh betul ke penggunaan perkataan tu?) untuk membuat "short film" atau filem pendek of 3-4minutes. Short film mestilah berconsistkan Visual Effects or Character Animation, or even Motion Graphics, terpulang pada group atau individu masing2.

So basically is either u can be in a group of 4 or individual. But since im not from this batch (loong story, shooting la hapa lah, last2 join the one year younger juniors), so looking for a groupmate is not really an option since dey all dah decide group diorang since waaay before diorang start this semester. So yeah. Kesian aku. But heyy, buat individual means everything is up to me, ideas, concept, all la. But the bad news is, i can't do anything yang too ambitious or besar since i tak cukup tangan. Aku yang nak model, aku la yang nak shoot, aku la yang nak render, aku nak edit composite color grading, sound design..... ZOMBIE.

So now tgh process mencari idea.....memandangkan tema yang diberikan oleh MMU sem ini adalah FOOD. Tapi takkan la nak buat pasal pisang yang bolah bercakap pulak kan? Mereka mahukan benda2 yang deep yang metaphoric bagai (ok nabil stop with ur bagai2). I hope i can achieve something yang can touch the audience's heart, I'll try to be as honest as i can, selain cuba selit2kan element VFX, since thats the requirement, but I'll make that more as a support for my story. To me, the most important thing is the story-telling. But for now, story pun belum ada lagi. haihh. Anyway, esok im going to Batu Pahat for Hot.fm Mini Jam...its probably gonna be my last performance before deciding to take a break for my studies... But its still in planning. I might still be around.

And here are some of my friend's work of their FYP that happens to be my favorite  :

this one from Charuk. Buat nangis wehh..

BUAS from Charukphong Anuvong on Vimeo.

and this one is from Ike, William, Razzman and Vic. I love the last part!

Vii Synn (The 7 Deadly Sins) from William Gallyot on Vimeo.

I really hope i can do my best, and hopefully can go beyond what my friends have benchmarked!
They really inspire me :)

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