Tahun ni memang ramai legends yang telah meninggalkan kita. Legend2 yang memang banyak bagi inspirasi kat aku, the reason Im doing what Im doing now.
Michael Jackon (atau Mikael? hanya Allah yang tahu)
Yasmin Ahmad
Ustaz Asri..
Mungkin ini petanda bahawa dunia hiburan akan dilanda rombakan atau evolusi (improvement atau downgrading, terpulanglah). Aku tak sure reaction dunia masa, John Lennon mati dulu, atau Elvis cos I wasn't born yet. Termasuk Allahyarham Tan Sri P.Ramlee dan Allahyarham Sudirman dulu.. But that's how the world works, i guess.. Pemergian bukan bererti kemusnahan, atau kehilangan. Delete and cancel is not the keyword here. Evolution, hopefully into something (if not better) post-legends. (sorry for the lack of a better word). From Elvis to Michael. From Tan Sri P.Ramlee to Sudirman. From Sudirman to Siti Nurhaliza.
But these legends will live through the future generations. They will always be references and inspirations for us, as u can see it through their works are mostly inspired by legends before them.
and Yasmin Ahmad will always be my inspiration in our local New Wave movies :
this one's my favourite..
Tahun ni memang ramai legends yang telah meninggalkan kita. Legend2 yang memang banyak bagi inspirasi kat aku, the reason Im doing what Im doing now.
Michael Jackon (atau Mikael? hanya Allah yang tahu)
Yasmin Ahmad
Ustaz Asri..
Mungkin ini petanda bahawa dunia hiburan akan dilanda rombakan atau evolusi (improvement atau downgrading, terpulanglah). Aku tak sure reaction dunia masa, John Lennon mati dulu, atau Elvis cos I wasn't born yet. Termasuk Allahyarham Tan Sri P.Ramlee dan Allahyarham Sudirman dulu.. But that's how the world works, i guess.. Pemergian bukan bererti kemusnahan, atau kehilangan. Delete and cancel is not the keyword here. Evolution, hopefully into something (if not better) post-legends. (sorry for the lack of a better word). From Elvis to Michael. From Tan Sri P.Ramlee to Sudirman. From Sudirman to Siti Nurhaliza.
But these legends will live through the future generations. They will always be references and inspirations for us, as u can see it through their works are mostly inspired by legends before them.
and Yasmin Ahmad will always be my inspiration in our local New Wave movies :
this one's my favourite..