Article 24
IT'S BEEN AWHILE..yeah. the title says it all. It HAS been awhile since i updated my blog. And for today's about the man who inspired me, who i grew up with, and the man that made me believe...
View ArticleArticle 23
HILANGTahun ni memang ramai legends yang telah meninggalkan kita. Legend2 yang memang banyak bagi inspirasi kat aku, the reason Im doing what Im doing now.Michael Jackon (atau Mikael? hanya Allah yang...
View ArticleArticle 22
Otak Kering (again) - New Song!Sememangnya otakku ini takdelah basah sangat. Especially bile time2 nak cari idea, time tu la dia kering. Memang salah aku jugak kot. Expecting art to pop up. I think. I...
View ArticleShowing Some Skin
Haha, just messing around with some pre-made skins or blog templates. Don't worry, my blog will be back the way it is...just as soon after i try that emo-ish chick robot image for my background....
View ArticleUse Somebody
One random day. Bukak Youtube. See this :Everytime i see his videos i feel so depress. How much practices do i need to do everyday, to have his voice? Daaaayyym u youtube singers. haha. This is my...
View ArticleUh 'ohh
Practice.Practice.Practice.Too much practice.Now i have sore throat. And "Dari Jauh" showcase is in 2 days. The band is awesome but the singer sakit tekak. oh shi---they say too much of a good thing...
View ArticleHow to write a song that breaks your heart.
Bapak lama tak update. haha. but seriously, im not a regular blogger. I just write when i feel like writing.Oh, and finally, my first ballad "Dari Jauh" was launched on the 8th October. Here are some...
View ArticleAnti Cinta
Semalam tgh syok2 tido di bawah selimut biru, sambil ditemani hujan, tibe terasa seolah-olah kepala diketuk-ketuk. Hatta, aku pun terbangun. I tgk around me, takde orang pun. Try tido balik, tetibe ada...
View ArticleI'm Moving to Tumblrtown
yeah, it's gettin' pretty dull in's just too many texts and dark colors. saya mau pindah. i found tumblr. sgt colorful and full of positive vibes. saya suka. im gonna upload soo many pictures...
View ArticleWelcome Back, Mr.Bil.
Naaaahhhh, i don't think i can leave this place.Well, TumblrTown was cool and all.....but this is where i "escape".So, hello again, people :)
View ArticleTwenty Ten! BERTUKARR!
Happy New Year everyone! Hope it's not too late to wish everyone to have a very good year.Yeap, it's time to make more resolutions (walaupun the last year's resolution tak complete tapi takpe postpone...
View ArticleMom says "Don't talk to strangers,"
But I did. Especially when i found this random website called "", where u can have a webcam chat with random strangers all over the world. So thats what me and afiv did last nyte,...
View ArticleDude, seriously
I really need to change my blogging habits.I only blog whenever i want, however i want.But then, doing that, make me lazy to even blog at all.Haih. Nabil nabil. The main reason why i created this blog...
View ArticleHati Ini terharu :)
I found this when I was browsing Youtube. Ok fine. I was youtubing my name. But then, i found this!!Someone covered my very first song that i wrote, Hati Ini. I was so excited campur terharu dowhh. And...
View ArticleProkastinasi
Bangun pagi, tekan snooze alarm tido balik. Pastu bangun 3 jam kemudian. Bangun balik pastu snooze 10minit lagi. Pastu bila bangun for real, turn on facebook, approve apa2 yang perlu dia approve, Like...
View ArticleIm a bad blogger
yes yes ok fiiiiiine. aku jahat. tak tepati janji. kata nak post gamba Beijing la Yunan la bagai. (ok sejak bila aku pakai perkataan 'bagai'? Bagai tu kira mcm etcetera la kira. ok moving on)But...
View ArticleHai, nama saya Navil.
Okay. Keyvoard aku vuat hal. Huruf B aku rosak. Susah nak tekan. So B is now V. for now.Anywaaayy, u rememver the vimeo "Buas"? Yeah, my friend's FYP yang pasal harimau makan orang tu. Haaa, dengan...
View ArticleProgressing...nyo.
yaww wassup. its sunday, Animatics presentation is in 4 days, and im procrastinating. Bunyi hujan rintik2 kocak2 air swimming pool, seriously la kan sapa nak vuat kerja time2 camni. Btw, my B still...
View ArticleAku atau KLCC?
It's New* York laa. haihh Nabil ni.Remember that viral video? haha.I was bored. Supposed to finished up my animatics, ended up doing this comic parody. This is what happen when u give me pen and paper....
View ArticleCheck check one two two
I'm trying to post on a blog using my mobile... If u can read this, it works. Yayyyy. K dah bye.
View ArticleAlmost the end of the line.
Talk about my studies. It's almost over. Few months and I'll be free!Tinggal MUET and languages and small stuff.This semester (baki2 semester yang tinggal) I had to take the Visual Effects and...
View ArticleOn the GO!
Everything is so mobile now. Digital this digital that. Right now, im posting this uhh post through my phone in a clinic. Cool kan? Saya rasa in the future everything is gonna be wireless. TV, fan, the...
View ArticleCrossroad.
Hi.My name is Nabil Zamanhuri.I am 25 years old.And I don't know what to do with my life. It's getting pretty dull.Everyday is the same.Sincerely,I hope this is just a phase.
View ArticleI just hate it.
Whenever I'm trying to be honest when I'm crafting, appreciating, getting inspired by something that i really like...there's a part of my brain stopping me from doing all that."No Bil," he said. "You...
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